Granular Permissions

This feature is depracated. Please use Role Permissions instead

Frappe Cloud Provides granular permission access for team members and groups. These permissions allow for fine-grained control over who can do what when switched to your account.

There are two levels of permissions available.

Team Member Permissions

In order to edit permissions for your team members first you need to add a member to your team. You can do this from Settings > Team > Add New Member. Once the team member has been added click on the 3 dot menu next to the member and Edit Permissions.

Screenshot from 2023-09-25 11-47-09

Once you update the permission, team member will only see the resources for which the access has been granted.

Group Permissions

In addition to granular member permissions you can also create groups of members and then assign permissions to the group. These permissions will be applied to all the members in that group.


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