

The Tarrif app is extension module of freight management with purchase workflow. We can manage tariff duties and additional charges

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Note: You can use only frappe-related apps.

ERPNext trial demo with Custom app (* Not Free):

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  1. Please go to the frappe cloud site and log in to it.
  2. https://frappecloud.com/dashboard/login
  3. Creating a new bench on frappe cloud.
  4. https://frappecloud.com/docs/benches/create-new

Note: As per frappe cloud's new policy, they can't provide the custom publisher app on the trial version. So If you want to trial the demo for the app then, please choose a one-month plan your according.

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📢   For Version 14,

The Tarrif app is extension module of freight management with purchase workflow. We can manage tariff duties and additional charges

Tariff App


The Tarrif app is extension module of freight management with purchase workflow. We can manage tariff duties and additional charges


➤Tariff Code

➤ Item

➤ Purchase taxes and charges template

➤ Supplier

➤ Price List

➤ Item Price

➤ Pricing Rule

➤ Tarrif Classification

Let’s have a look at features of the Tarrif App workflow with Purchase

  1. Create tariff code and configured in Item master
  2. Additional Charges will be add using purchase taxes and charges template
  3. Tariff duties and charges automatically appears once select the Item in purchase invoice
  4. Tariff charges calculate automatically based on saved and configured tariff code under the items
  5. Create shipment : Custom Entry form view is open up while click on "Create Shipment" shortcut
  6. Attached verified invoice in custom entry form view
  7. Shipping costing form view open up from Action dropdown under the create shipment form view
  8. Consolidate table - Added custom charges FOB Price,Freight Cost,Insurance Cost,Total Cost
  9. We can manage shipping costing entry with Toggle Additional Charges
  10. Shipping costing report is shown in PDF format
  11. Item search using tariff code search box under the Item list view

Main Desk view of the tariff app workflow




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