Optical ERP

Optical ERP

Optical ERP Solution can be used to record data of all patients who are visiting the clinic for any type of service. Services could be of any type like Appointment, Treatment, Eye Test, Quotation,Billing, and much more.

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ERPNext trial demo without Custom app (* Is Free):

If you want the ERPNext trial demo, go to the below link and set up free 14 days trial demo.
Note: You can use only frappe-related apps.

ERPNext trial demo with Custom app (* Not Free):

If you want the App Trial Demo, then follow step:
  1. Please go to the frappe cloud site and log in to it.
  2. https://frappecloud.com/dashboard/login
  3. Creating a new bench on frappe cloud.
  4. https://frappecloud.com/docs/benches/create-new

Note: As per frappe cloud's new policy, they can't provide the custom publisher app on the trial version. So If you want to trial the demo for the app then, please choose a one-month plan your according.

Buy App:

If you want to buy an app then go to the Solufy Apps Store and buy it.

Optical ERP

Optical ERP Solution can be used to record data of all patients who are visiting the clinic for any type of service. Services could be of any type like Appointment, Treatment, Eye Test quotation,billing and much more.

📢 Available in version

  • Version 14

Key Features of Optical ERP

  1. Manage Patient Appointment
  2. Manage Eye Checkup Details
  3. Manage Treatments
  4. Provide three type of Eye Test Type 1) Regular Eye Checkup,2) Glasses, 3) Contact Lense
  5. Manage Lentilles Information
  6. Manage Work Order Information and Recommendations
  7. Create sale quotation for the patient
  8. Manage Clinic Information
  9. Manage Patients and Doctors Information

Key Reports of Optical ERP

  1. Appointments Report
  2. Eye Checkups Report

Measurement Analysis Reports of Optical ERP

  1. Regular Eye Checkups Report
  2. Glasses Report
  3. Contact Lense Report



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