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Library Management

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Library Management
Welcome to library management in ERPNext! This manual is designed to provide comprehensive guidance on effectively utilizing ERPNext to streamline library operations and enhance patron services. By following the instructions and best practices outlined in this manual, library staff can optimize their workflow and leverage the power of ERPNext for efficient library management.

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Supported versions

Version 14





📢   For Version 14,

First needs to install ERPNext, Frappe HR, and the Non-Profit app. After then install the Library Management app.

Library Management Module Documentation

Key Features

  • Library Management software manages Books, Issues, and renewals.
  • Member Management.
  • Book Stock Management.
  • Penalty days & Penalty amount Auto Fetch.
  • You can manage Membership.
  • The book has a serial number.

Dashboard Menu

Once the user logs in to the Library Management Module, they can first view the dashboard shown in the below image. The Library Management Dashboard gives you an overall analysis of your business, such as:

  • Library Management
  • Book
  • Book Issue
  • Employee
  • Penalty
  • Reports & Configuration
  • Library Settings
    • Library Settings
  • Library Member
    • Employee
    • Customer
    • Member
    • Membership
    • Book Author
  • Library Configuration
    • Penalty Template
    • Membership Type
    • Pricing Rule
    • Book Price
    • Price List
    • Supplier
    • Book
    • Book Issue
    • Serial No
  • Key Reports
    • Library Employee
    • Library Customer
    • Library Member
    • Library Membership
    • Book Stock Serial No
    • Book Prices


Library Settings

Users can see Library settings under Reports & Configurations. First, go to the Library settings > Add Library Settings.


  • By Clicking on the “Library Settings” button, the following screen will display.


Default Membership TypeIn the library's settings, if you select "Default membership type", it is automatically set as the "Default Membership Type" in Library Management.

Default Price ListIn the library's settings, if you select "Default Price List", it is automatically set as the "Default Price List" in Library Management.

Default TerritoryIn the library's settings, if you select "Default Territory", it is automatically set as the "Default Territory" in Library Management.

Penalty Charge ItemA "Penalty Charge Item" is automatically set in the Item table when a penalty invoice is generated when a library member collects a penalty.

Allow BooksIn the library settings, the "Allow Books" function enables you to specify the maximum number of books that can be borrowed by library members.

StaffFor staff members, there are no penalties or restrictions regarding the number of books they can borrow from the library.

Allow Return DayIf you do not return the book within the number of days set as in "Allow Return Day", failure to return a book within the designated "Allow Return Day" period will result in a penalty fee.

Default Terms and ConditionsIn the library's settings, if you select "Default Terms and Conditions", it is automatically set as the "Default Terms and Conditions" in Library Management.

Library Member


Using this functionality, Users can create an employee for a library. Go to Library member > Employee > Add Employee.


  • By Clicking on the “Employee” button, the following screen will display.


  • After Clicking on the Add New Employee, provide basic information for the Services, e.g.:
  • First Name: Hardik
  • Middle Name: Vimalbhai
  • Last Name: Patel
  • Gender: Male
  • Date of Birth: 08-02-1993
  • Salutation: Mr
  • Date of Joining: 17-05-2017
  • Employment Type: Student
  • Address & Contacts(Teb)
  • Mobile: 9874563210
  • Personal Email:


  • By clicking on the tab “Address & Contacts” button, the following screen will display.


  • As an employee in library management, you have the unique advantage of simultaneously serving as both an employee and a customer.


Using this functionality, Users can create a customer for a library. Go to Library member > Customer > Add Customer.



  • By Clicking on the “Add Customer” button, the following screen will display.


  • If you check "is a member" in the library Customer, you will automatically become a member of the library.


Using this functionality, Users can create a member for a library. Go to Library member > Member > Add Member.




If a library member wants to join, he can do so by clicking on the "Membership" button.


Using this functionality, Users can create a Library membership for a customer. Go to Library member > membership > Add membership.



  • When you create a new membership, put the "membership type" in it and get the discount accordingly, e.g., Gold, Silver, or Bronze.
  • Three types of membership available: monthly, six-month, and yearly. Also, when you select your membership start date, it will automatically generate your membership ending date.
  • You can view member status in "Membership Status" in Membership, e.g., New, Current, Expired, Pending, and Cancelled.


Library Configuration

Penalty Template

Using this functionality, Users can configure a Penalty template for a library. Go to Library Configurations > Penalty Template > Add Penalty Template.



  • By Clicking on the “New Penalty Template” button, the following screen will display.


  • Enter the “No of Days Penalty From” and “No of Days Penalty To” and Penalty Amount and save the record automatically generates Template id based on your entered data.

Membership Type

Using this functionality, Users can create a membership type. Go to Library Configurations > Membership Type > Add Membership Type.



  • By Clicking on the “New membership type” button, the following screen will display.


  • Create a new membership type, name it "Membership Type," and give it a discount amount, e.g., gold, silver, or bronze.


Using this functionality, Users can create Books for a library. Go to Library Management > Books > Add Book.



  • By Clicking on the “Add Item” button, the following screen will display.


  • In the Item section, you need to check the "Book Item is" checkbox and save the changes. On enabling it, you will be able to see the book name, book code, author, and book brand. You can carry things like pens, pencils, and erasers as items. You can request both book and item stock. This is a technique to get the details of the set of books we bought by following these methods. The first way is through direct stock entry and the second way is through purchase receipt. Each book will have individual serial number details with it.

Book Issue

Using this functionality, Users can issue a book to a member. Go to Library Management> Book Issue > Add Book Issue.



  • You can purchase a book by selecting a customer, and at the time of issuing the book, the "Return Due" and "Book Discount" are automatically applied. If you fail to return the book by the due date, an automatic penalty will be imposed, and a penalty invoice will be generated.
  • In the library, you can view book status like draft, overdue, penalty, credit note issued, submitted, returned.
  • A record of the number of books purchased by a customer in the library is kept in the customer doctype "Total Books".


Key Reports

Library Employee

The report "Library Employee" provides employee information.


Library Customer

The Library Employee report provides information such as the employee's name, date of joining, and current employment status and type.


Library Member

The Library Member report provides information such as the member's name, membership type, and membership expiry date.


Library Membership

The Library Membership report provides information on the member's name, membership type, and the duration of the membership, specifying the start date and end date.


Book Stock Serial No

This report provides information about the book name, quantity, total count, and the difference in quantities.


Book Prices

The report "Book Prices" provides Book Prices No information.


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