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Payment Installments

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Payment Installments
Frappe add-on for adding Installment feature in Accounting

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Supported versions

Version 15






This app is used to make payments installment wise in sales, user can add extra charges, can make advance payment and remaining amount in installments.

Key Features

  • Integrated With Selling + Finance Module: In Sales Order, Based On Payment Term Template we can receive some amounts as advance and remaining amount in installments, for installment, we can set first installment date and then once we submit sales order it’ll auto generate installments.
  • Add Extra Charges: In Sales Order Item We can Extra Charges like Freight Charge , Delivery Charges, etc.., and it won’t affect total sales.
  • Separate Invoice for Each Installments: This app will create one invoice for Down Payments including Extra Charges and for installments it’ll create a separate invoice for each installment prior 2 days of installment date.


Payment Term Template Configuration: Navigate to the Payment Term Template Menu and create new template and add payment terms like some 20% in advance and 80% in 12 month installments.

Create Sales Order: Navigate to the Sales Order Menu and Create New Sales Order and Fill the details like Customer,Delivery Date and Sale Items.

Set Payment Term Template: In newly Created Sales Order Navigate to “Terms” Tab and Select Payment Term Template, on select of Payment Term Template installment details will auto set.

Set First Installment Date: In the Sales Order “Terms” Tab we have to set first installment date, so base on that date system will calculate installment dates.

Add Extra Charge: In the Sales Order “Terms” Tab we have button “Add Extra Charge” click on that button if you want to add some extra charges like Freight Charge , Delivery Charges, etc, once you click on button system will open popup , in that popup select Charges and set it’s amounts and confirm it after confirm in sale items new line will be add.

Submit Sales Order: Click on Submit button to submit sales order, after submit installment line will be auto created in sales order and system will create one invoice for Down Payments including Extra Charges immediately

Create Separate Invoice: There is a Scheduler which will create a separate invoice for installment prior to 2 days of installment date and installment will mark as paid.



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