Frappe Cloud
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Frappe Cloud's site and server analytics help you understand your resource utilization to help you with performance debugging. It offers runtime, activity, and audit logs for your team's activities. Not only that, you receive important alerts for resource starvation and failed deploys for proactive resolution.
Build and deploy custom Frappe apps
Create multiple environments using benches
SSH Access for debugging
Access to the database
Custom Domains
Build your own SaaS
API access
Build and deploy custom Frappe apps
With Benches, you can install any app from Github or Frappe Cloud marketplace. Frappe Cloud updates your sites as you update your custom apps by connecting directly with GitHub.
Create multiple environments using benches
With Benches, you can create separate environments for development, staging, and production. This helps during major version upgrades, and testing custom apps. For software vendors, this helps create separate containers and environments for their clients.
SSH Access for debugging
With Benches, you get a whole new power to SSH into your bench. SSH allows you to look into bugs in your custom app downloads and help to debug them. You can SSH into a particular version of your Bench using this feature. You can enable this with a few simple commands mentioned here.
Access to the database
You can have complete access to your site's database. You can either directly access it or connect your site data to your analytics or business intelligence tool. Database Access is available for $50/month and above plans.
Custom Domains
Frappe Cloud provides unlimited custom domains for all your sites. All custom domains will be served over SSL for a secure connection.
Build your own SaaS
Let's say you are a developer who is working on a shiny new Frappe App. Once the development phase is complete taking your app live is a huge obstacle. You have to think about deployment, onboarding, subscription management, payments and more. There's also a question of visibility and growth. Your app might be very cool but how will it grow?
All of this is never ending process and our SaaS offerings take a lot of this hassle away from you! Let us handle onboarding, subscriptions, payments, deployment and more so that you can only focus on building your awesome app.
To get started go to Frappe Cloud dashboard and create a new app from Developer tab. Check this section for more details on guidelines for publishing an app to marketplace. Once you submit an app we will review it and get back to you.
API access
Most of the Frappe Cloud functionality available in the Frappe Cloud Dashboard is available through the API. The Frappe Cloud API allows you to manage your sites and benches using HTTP requests.
What does this mean? You can use Frappe Cloud APIs to build your own billing and checkout flow for your Frappe applications.