Ultramsg Whatsapp Integration

Ultramsg Whatsapp Integration

UltraMessenger WhatsApp Integration is a powerful application designed to enhance your notification capabilities by enabling you to send WhatsApp alerts for various critical events in your system. This integration provides a range of features, including the ability to send WhatsApp notifications for events like order overdue reminders and payment notifications. You can customize these notifications with dynamic data placeholders, and the application also allows for automation of notifications based on event triggers and conditions.

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UltraMessenger WhatsApp Integration

You must have an ultramsg.com account to get the API

Welcome to UltraMessenger WhatsApp Integration! This application enables you to send WhatsApp notifications for various events in your system.

Table of Contents


UltraMessenger WhatsApp Integration is designed to enhance your notification capabilities by sending WhatsApp alerts for critical events in your system. This README provides instructions on how to set up and use the application effectively.


  • Send WhatsApp notifications for various events such as order overdue, payment reminders, and more.
  • Define customizable notification templates with dynamic data placeholders.
  • Automate notifications based on event triggers and conditions.

Getting Started


Before you begin, make sure you have the following:

  • A valid WhatsApp account or business number
  • UltraMessenger API credentials (instance_id, token)

The application will automatically send WhatsApp notifications based on the configured events.


  • WhatsApp messages support plain text only; formatting and HTML are not supported.
  • The application is currently under development and may have limitations or bugs.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests for bug fixes, enhancements, or new features.


This project is licensed under the [MIT License].

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