Sipgate Integration

Sipgate Integration

Sync contacts from Frappe/ERPNext to Sipgate.

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When a contact is created or updated in ERPNext:

  1. Check if the numbers are already in Sipgate contacts.
  2. Update existing contact or create a new one.
  3. Store (or update) the contact's Sipgate ID.

When a contact is deleted in ERPNext:

  1. Check if it has a Sipgate ID, abort if not.
  2. Delete contact in Sipgate.


Phone numbers must be entered with country code (for example, "+49 341-39285850").

Before transmission to Sipgate all whitespaces (" "), slashes ("/") and dashes ("-") will be removed from the phone number.


This repository is licensed under GPLv3.

Sipgate is a trademark of sipgate GmbH. This integration is not endorsed or approved in any way by Sipgate.

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