Resend Integration

Resend Integration

Send Emails via Resend

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Resend Integration Integration for Frappe

Resend Integration Workspace Screenshot


Follow this documentation to setup bench and then you can install this app by running the commands below:

shbench get-app NagariaHussain/resendintegrationbench --site <site-name> install-app resendintegration


Head over to your Resend dashboard and generate an API key, and paste it in Resend Settings:

Resend Settings Screenshot

Webhook Setup

Add webhook with URL:


Copy the signing secret from your webhook dashboard on Resend:

Resend Signing Secret

and paste it in Resend Settings in your Frappe instance.

Sending Broadcast Emails

Use the Resend Broadcast Email DocType.


You can send emails from your custom app or server scripts too:

pythonfrom resend_integration.api import send_resend_emails</p><p>send_resend_emails( "Get discount!", from_email="", to_emails=[""], email_html="<h1>Hey!</h1>", reply_to="",)

> Note: You will need to verify your domain before you can use it to send emails. For example, in the above example, "" has been already verified from Resend dashboard.


AGPL 3.0

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