Frappe WhatsApp

Frappe WhatsApp

Send WhatsApp Messages from your Frappe app. Without any 3rd party integration.

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Frappe Whatsapp

WhatsApp integration for frappe. Use directly meta API's without any 3rd party integration.

Whatsapp Video


Note: If your not using live credential follow the step no 2 to add the number on meta to which your are sending message

Chat app

You can also install whatsapp_chat along with this app to send and receive message like a messenger

Installation Steps

Step 1) One time to get app

bench get-app

Step 2) to install app on any instance/site

bench --site [sitename] install-app frappe_whatsapp

Send whatsapp notification from frappe app based on docevents.

Get your whats app credentials

Enter whatsapp credentials


Create Template


Supports all docevents

Create notifications


Sending text message without creating template

Create an entry in the WhatsApp message. On save it will trigger and whats app API to send a message


WhatsApp messages are received via WhatsApp cloud API.image

outgoing (1)

Incomming message

  • Setup webhook on meta
  • Add verify token on meta and update the same on whatsapp settings
  • Add webhook url on meta < domain >/api/method/frappe_whatsapp.utils.webhook.webhook
  • Add apropriate webhook fields
  • messages to receive message
  • add other required web fields

Upcoming features

  • Update templates on facebook dev.
  • Display template status



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How can I get a what's app credentials

Hi Iam new how can i get what's app credentials to setup this app in my instance

Osama Muhammed • 2 years ago • Reply

FREE and Super useful!

I got to try and test on my WhatsApp and it worked of all - IT'S FREE! Awesome work Shridhar Patil !

Vanessa Barrameda • 2 years ago • Reply

Not able to access WhatsApp setting page

I'm having difficulty accessing the WhatsApp settings page and I'm receiving an error message that says "Sorry! I could not find what you were looking for."

Max fu • 1 year ago • Reply
Maybe the app is not installed on your bench. Id it’s installed try reinstalling

Button with msg

is there any feature to add button in this app

Raghvendra Aditya • 1 year ago • Reply
Where do you want to add button?
If you are asking about adding button in whatsapp message. You can create a template on meta with buttons and then in whatsapp templates you can fetch the templates and use it. The message will be sent with the button

Whats app Image

I want to send image through whats app. Is it possible from this?

Shweta Bolaj • 9 months ago • Reply
Is it a dynamic image or a fixed. If its a fixed image you can add it in whatsapp notification->custom attach-> attach
I have published a new release. You can add image field in whatsapp notification and it will pick the image from the specified field and send it

I'm not able to send direct message from WhatsApp Message page

I've used this app and it is working for me for doctype event notifications. But if I'm trying to send the message without using the template then it is not working for me. I'm doing the same steps what you're showing in the video. So, how can I send the message from WhatsApp Message page and how can I send a message to a group by using this app?

Shubho Banerjee • 4 months ago • Reply