Contract Payment

Contract Payment

Link between contract with sales invoice and purchase invoice and make dues

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This app is for making payment based on contracts for ERPNext this app link sales, purchase invoice with contract.

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Make contract dues scheduling or you can add it manually:

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It make sales invoice if party type customer:

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You can also create sales invoice for customer contract:

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The app can make purchase invoice if party type supplier. It also makes salary slip if party type employee.

How to use the app?

To use need to check is contract payment on employee, customer, supplier


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  1. Automatic create dues: to make system automatic create purchase invoice and sales invoice on same date of due date.

  2. Submit dues after create: this check for make purchase invoice and sales invoice submitted after create.

  3. Stop create purchase invoice for supplier is contract payment: this check system will be stop any invoice without select contract for supplier.

  4. Stop create sales invoice for customer is contract payment: this check will be stop any invoice for customer without contract selected.

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Basant Choudhary • 8 months ago • Reply