
Steps to setup your own production/development press installation.


  • Domain - Domain to use for Frappe Cloud sites and servers. You should have access to the DNS settings of this domain (See DNS section).


This is necessary for obtaining Wildcard TLS certificates.

Currently only supported provider is AWS Route 53, uses Route 53 plugin for Certbot.

Let's Encrypt

  • Certbot Directory:

    By default Certbot uses /etc/letsencrypt, /var/log/letsencrypt and /var/lib/letsencrypt directories. Writing to these directories requires root access, to avoid this, we use --logs-dir, --work-dir and --config-dir flags to run certbot commands without root privileges.

  • Webroot Directory:

    This directory is used for acquiring TLS certificates for custom domains using Webroot plugin for Certbot.

    Skip this if you don't plan to use custom domains.

Note: Both these directories should be writable by the frappe user. If the directories don't exist then they'll be created.

  • Staging CA: Check this to use Let's Encrypt Staging Environment when experimenting with TLS certificates.

  • EFF Registration Email: EFF will send expiry, renewal and other updates on this email.

After setting these, click Obtain TLS Certificate (Requires Basic > Domain, and DNS section to be setup).


  1. Go To Press Settings > GitHub
  2. Click on Create GitHub App
  3. Name your app and click Create GitHub App for ...

    GitHub App Create

  4. You'll be redirected to Press Settings.

    GitHub App Created

  5. Create a GitHub Personal Access Token and add it in GitHub Access Token field.

    This is nedded for custom apps that are added without using the app creation flow (Dashboard > New App... ). As these are subject stricter rate limits (5000 requests/hour vs 60 requests/hour).


Docker Registry: Built docker images are pushed here (this can be self hosted service or a managed container registry e.g. Docker Hub, DigitalOcean Container Registry, Amazon ECR etc.).

Clone Directory: Custom apps are cloned and kept in this directory to avoid repeated cloning. Directory Structure looks like this

├── frappe/
│   ├── release-1/
│   └── release-2/
└── erpnext/
    ├── release-1/
    └── release-2/

Build Directory: Directory for docker build contexts. Directory Structure looks like this

├── bench-1/
│   ├── build-1/
│   └── build-2/
└── bench-2/
    ├── build-1/
    └── build-2/

Code Server: (Not required) Visual Studio Codeserver instance for read only access to cloned apps for manual review. Requires a password to access.