Build a Bench

This is information about doctypes required to manage benches and apps on FC from desk. Roughly, the build process goes through these doctypes (that you're concerned with) in order.

App => App Source => Release Group => Deploy Candidate => Bench

To build a bench, we need documents of the following doctypes.


It's simply a master of all apps on FC. Only detail it has is the name of the app.

App Detail

App Source

We use this doc to specify Github repo and branch for an App. An App can have multiple of these.

App Source Detail

Release Group

This is like a blueprint of a series of benches. It contains a list of Apps and App Sources as child table.

Must have frappe as first app. You can use visit dashboard link in sidebar to see corresponding dashboard view

Release Group

It also contains a list of servers to deploy your bench on.

Deploy Candidate (created automatically)

This doc becomes more specific than the Release Group in the sense that it also has information on which commit of each app you're going to put on your bench.

Deploy Candidate

The information of each commit of an App Source is in an App Release doc.

Deploy Candidates are created for each update to the Release Group (could be update to an app, could be addition/removal of apps, etc..). It is not intended to deploy all of the ones created. Latest one is deployed when you update bench from dashboard view.

Deploy Candidate List

You can also manually trigger creation by using Create Deploy Candidate Action on the Release Group.

Create Deploy Candidate

Use the Build and Deploy button to deploy a new Bench.

This will create an image that'll be used for creating a bench. In case of any issue, you can see the log of all commands executed in the Deploy Candidate doc. Build will just create the image, not create a new bench on server.

Deploy Candidate Log

You can also get live output in the dashboard view.

Deploy Candidate Dashboard

After build and upload is successful, there should be a link to the new bench job, which should also be successful for you to use your bench.

New Bench Job Link

Bench (created automatically)

New Bench Job

Will be created after successful deploy. Represents a bench on each individual server.

Many can be created for a Deploy Candidate deploy depending on list of servers in Release Group.

Bench List