Local Infrastructure

Local infrastructure subsystem is a faster, cheaper and more flexible alternative to running virtual machines on a public cloud for development.

Note: Local Insfrastructure is available for Linux hosts only. You're free to add Mac OS support by using Virtualbox.



  • Packer - For building virtual machine images.
  • Vagrant - Simplified CLI/API for managing virtual hosts.

    • vagrant-libvirt - For using KVM/Libvirt. Duh!
    • vagrant-hostmanager - For managing hosts file in guests and host machine.
  • Libvirt/KVM - Virtualization provider.


Dependencies can be installed with

source env/bin/activate
python3 apps/press/backbone/setup.py

Note: After this logout completely and login again to start with local infrastructure. Start a new shell session. if you're on a Non-GUI server.

Building Base Images

To spawn virtual machines quickly, we'll create a ubuntu base image (as seen on DigitalOcean or other cloud providers). This image can later be used to spawn blank virtual machines in seconds.

This can be done with (backbone CLI is installed with press application)

source env/bin/activate
backbone hypervisor build

Note: When running for the very first time this will download a ~500 MB ubuntu image.

See contents of press/backbone/packer directory for more details.

Spawning Virtual Machines

There's no simple CLI for this at the moment.

  1. Create a Vagrant directory
mkdir scratch
cd scratch
ln -s ../apps/press/backbone/vagrant/Vagrantfile Vagrantfile
  1. Start local cluster with the following command and provide sudo password when asked
vagrant up --no-parallel --provider=libvirt

You can destroy the machines with

vagrant destroy -f

and spawn them again with vagrant up command.

Local machines have following names/ips by default

Type Name Public IP Private IP
Proxy Server n1.fc.dev
Frappe Server f1.fc.dev
Database Server m1.fc.dev
Database Server m2.fc.dev

Accessing VMs

You can ssh into these machines using following commands

ssh root@n1.fc.dev
vagrant ssh n1