List of Frappe Cloud Processors

Last updated on: 07th December 2021

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To support the delivery of our services, Frappe may engage and use data processors (“Processors”) with access to certain personal information. This page provides important information about the identity and role of each Processor we use.

The information provided herein is for demonstrative purposes only. This information does not provide you with any additional rights.

A Processor is an external service or provider that is enlisted by Frappe to deliver our service to you. As part of that service delivery, we may be required to share personal information we have collected about you with these providers.

Frappe requires that any third-party services, processors or sub-processors, that we use as a part of the delivery of our services to you, meet the requirements and obligations under Indian laws and under GDPR.

We use the following Processors with appropriate data processing agreements:

Entity Name Purpose Legal Documents
Payment Processor
Mailgun Sending emails
Digital Ocean Data Storage
Scaleway Data Storage
AWS Data Storage