DevOps Manual
Setting up new Server (AWS)
Create Virtual Machine document for Proxy Server
Skip this step if Proxy for Region already exists
Specify region, machine type, size and private ip accordingly
Copy from pre existing VM for Database Server if unsure
Private ip should follow chronological pattern for existing Database Servers for the region
Save the changes
Click on Poll Pending Machine under Actions
Wait till Installing is complete
Create Proxy Server Doc
Put AWS as provider
Put hostname as
where x starts from 1, region is ClusterLink Virtual Machine doc created in previous step in Virtual Machine field
Save the changes
Actions -> Ping ansible unprepared; Should be successful
Actions -> Prepare server; Wait for success
Actions -> Ping ansible; Wait for success
Actions -> Setup Server; Wait for success
Create Virtual Machine document for Database Server
Follow the same substeps as for Proxy Server, but for Database Server now.
Create Database Server Doc
Follow the same substeps as for Proxy Server, but for Database Server now.
Hostname should start with m instead of n
Create Virtual Machine Doc for Application Server
Follow the same substeps as for Proxy Server, but for Server now.
Create Server Doc
Follow the same substeps as for Proxy Server, but for Server now.
Link proxy corresponding to region in respective field
Link database server created in previous step in respective field.
Hostname should start with f instead of n.
After the setup is complete, click Add to Proxy under Actions.
Once the server setup is complete
Add the new Server to child table of public release groups.
Go to linked deploys for latest successful Depoy Candidate of each release group.
Create new Deploy record with newly created server in child table.
Check use for new sites and use for new benches checkbox in the Server document if new sites are to be created here.
Manual Ops after setting up AWS servers
For Database Server, run the
ansible-playbook -u root press/playbooks/database_memory_limits.yml -i server-name,
For App Server, run the
ansible-playbook -u root press/playbooks/server_memory_limits.yml -i server-name,
The trailing comma above is required
Clearing binlogs on Database Server
Sometimes disk may be increasing rapidly on database server due to increase in rate of creation of binlogs due to one reason or the other. We can purge binlogs in such cases with the PURGE BINARY LOGS command.
Check number of binlogs with
ls /var/lib/mysql
Open mysql console with
as root userPURGE BINARY LOGS TO 'mysql-bin.xxxx'
To disable binlogs on db server, add
and comment outlog-bin
in frappe.cnf
Resolving Disk Full on Database Server
When disk is full 100% on database server it becomes impossible to resize it as resizing also requires some free space left on disk. We can remove binlogs in such cases. These are the steps to remove binlog safely:
Stop mariadb
systemctl stop mysql
Go to
Remove certain binlog files as need be (
file to remove the files you deleted from the indexStart mariadb:
systemctl start mysql
Note that we're not using PURGE BINARY LOGS as the command gets stuck when disk is full
Uprading an AWS instance
In case when you have to upgrade an AWS EC2 instance, you can follow below steps:
Open the Server doc and click on the Virtual Machine(VM) doc linked to it.
In corresponding VM doc, stop the running server.
Actions -> Stop
Wait a bit to check if its Stopped. You can also sync and check.
Actions -> Sync
Once the VM is stopped, you can now upgrade the machine by
Actions -> Resize
and type the instance you wish to upgrade to. Check out different instance types.Now start the server again.
Actions -> Start
Keeping syncing till you see the server in Running State.
Increasing the Storage on AWS Server
You can increase the storage of the AWS Server by using Frappe Cloud Alerts Telegram Bot. You can do this by invoking the bot in the group. @frappe_cloud_bot server execute increase_disk_size <size in gb>
The server name can be any server on AWS present in the server doctype and increase_disk_size
can be changed to any whitelisted method on the doctype(server). An EBS instance of 50GB will be attached to the server if no size is specified.
Note that the Volume increase can only be done once in 6 hours for a server
Debugging slow site; an example
Often times we'll get tickets from customers asking why their site was slow at a particular time frame. I'll try to list down a bunch of things you can do in order, so that you'll be able to debug this easily. As an example, I'll investigate ticket #9429
Check server-wide stats
You can do this by checking the Node Exporter dashboard on The charts in Grafana are much more feature rich than the simple ones we provide on the Servers dashboard on FC.
Customer reported increase CPU usage around 6-9 PM on 3rd of Feb
We can validate the same from the CPU graph in Grafana also by looking at stats for m33-mumbai, which is their database server. Since the spike is blue, it means queries were actually slow, and it took MariaDB a long time to compute the result for the same. This is good. As, this usually means the query can be optimized.
A red CPU graph on the other hand would indicate long time spent doing reading from disk. This is usually a sign that the DB server needs to be upgraded for more Memory/RAM
Searching for slow queries
Now that we know there could be queries can be optimised. We need to look at the Slow Queries for the same. We can do this by looking at the DB Server Stats report on
NOTE: We're looking at slow queries on the server as a whole as they're a dedicated server customer. So all the queries belong to them only.
You put the following filter to show reports for the server we're interested in: : ""
The most interesting chart in this dashboard is the Slow queries by duration chart:
This is because the chart factors in both the number of queries and the time it took for each. The queries at the bottom of the legend on the right tells you what the slowest queries are. You can click on the bar corresponding to the same to view the query and filter for the same in all other charts.
The most interesting queries here are of type:
with varying filter on purchase_order
You can ask a developer for their opinion at this point. We also can report this finding to our customer and expect them to add a DB INDEX for the same field with bench add-database-index command (provided they have bench access)
Note that not all slow sites imply slow queries, but since I've seen a spike in tickets asking about the same, I've written this doc so at least preliminary investigation can be a bit better.